General Terms of Use of the Administration Interface For The Online Appointment Booking Service (TOU)
1- Purpose
These General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "TOU") are concluded between SOLOCAL, a public limited company with a share capital of €881,108,385.30, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 444 212 955, with its registered office at 204 Rond-Point du Pont de Sèvres, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt (hereinafter "SOLOCAL"), and its users (hereinafter "the USERS") (collectively referred to as "the PARTIES"). The TOU set forth the contractual provisions regarding the respective rights and obligations of the PARTIES in the use of the administration interface for the online appointment booking service (hereinafter "the Site").
In this context, SOLOCAL acts solely as a technical intermediary. Its role is limited to hosting the schedules of professionals offering online appointments (hereinafter "the PROFESSIONALS") and facilitating connections between these professionals and clients seeking appointments with a PROFESSIONAL.
2 - Acceptation of the TOU
Using the Site implies full and complete acceptance of these TOU. The USER acknowledges having read the TOU and agrees to comply with them. These TOU are accessible in the footer or the account section of the Site via a hyperlink and can be consulted at any time.
3 - Access to the Administration Interface
The Site is accessible to any authorized USER and the PROFESSIONAL, provided they have an internet connection. All costs associated with Site access, such as hardware, software, or internet connection fees, are the sole responsibility of the USER.
The USER is responsible for the confidentiality of their login credentials and any actions performed through their account.
If a USER discloses or uses their credentials improperly, SOLOCAL may terminate access to the account without prior notice or compensation.
Any loss, misuse, or unauthorized use of a USER's credentials and the resulting consequences are the sole responsibility of the USER, who must immediately notify SOLOCAL by email at the following address: [email protected].
4. Use of the Administration Interface
The USER agrees to use the service in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any fraudulent or abusive use of the service may result in the suspension or deletion of the USER's account.
Access to certain functionalities of the administration interface is subject to specific authorizations. The PROFESSIONAL is authorized by SOLOCAL as the administrator of the administration interface and subsequently grants permissions based on the roles and responsibilities of USERS.
USERS agree to respect the limits of their permissions and not to attempt access to functionalities for which they are not authorized. Any attempt at unauthorized access will be considered a violation of these TOU and may result in the suspension or termination of access to the interface.
Calendar Access Management
A USER account's calendar access can be shared among different USERS. The administrator can restrict certain functionalities of the appointment management calendar within a USER account by managing the permissions granted to USERS. Each USER of the same account and calendar will be assigned an access code.
The administrator must exercise caution and avoid using this functionality on an administrator USER account to prevent unauthorized access to administrative functionalities.
Administrator Role
A USER account's calendar access can be shared among different USERS. The administrator can restrict certain Some USERS may have access to specific functionalities if authorized as administrators of the administration interface. The administrator is responsible for managing USERS, permissions, and the overall configuration of the service.
The administrator has the authority to create and delete user accounts, assign or revoke permissions or access codes, export client data for which they are the point of reference, and download all calendar data. Administrators are committed to performing their duties diligently and adhering to SOLOCAL's security and confidentiality policies. All administrative actions must comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Note: Responsibility Regarding Client Data Exports (Client Files and Appointments)
As an administrator, you are responsible for exporting client data. Before transferring this data, which contains personal information, ensure that you sort and share only necessary information. Only authorized persons may access this data. You are responsible for the security of such data.
Any mismanagement or unauthorized disclosure of data is your sole responsibility.
5. Liability
SOLOCAL strives to provide a quality service but cannot be held responsible for interruptions, malfunctions, or unavailability of the service, nor for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the service.
6. Modification of the TOU
The Site reserves the right to modify these TOU at any time. The new TOU will be brought to the USERS' attention by appropriate means.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These TOU are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, the PARTIES agree to seek an amicable solution before referring the matter to the competent courts. Disputes arising from the interpretation and/or execution of these TOU will be submitted to the competent courts of Paris.
This Site and its content are the exclusive property of SOLOCAL.
Version : November 2024.